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Using /search Endpoint

In this tutorial, we will be using the /search endpoint to get a circular's download URL and Title. The /search endpoint returns a list containing similar circulars, taking keywords of the actual title of the circular.

This endpoint returns a list (or None if not found) containing the download URL and title of the circular.
It basically uses a search algorithm to find the circular based on the keywords.

Example: Input being mobile, it finds the circular Mobile Phone Usage Policy and returns the circular object.

Request Structure

Send a GET request to the following URL:{query}?amount={amount}
or, send a GET request to:{query}&amount={amount}

{query} here is what you want to search for {amount} is the number of results you want to receive


  • amount: integer. The amount of circulars to return. Defaults to 3 [Optional]

Example Requests

Here is an example request using Python's requests library:

import requests

url = ""
params = {'query': 'mobile', 'amount': 2}

request = requests.get(url, params=params)

Example Response

"status": "success",
"http_status": 200,
"data": [
"title": "Grade X - Syllabus for Half Yearly Exam",
"link": "",
"id": "1355"
"title": "Grade X & XII - Timetable for Half Yearly Exam",
"link": "",
"id": "1351"

Thanks for reading!