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The API Class

The API class is the main class of the package. It is used to interact with any of the API's five endpoints.


To begin using the API class, you need to import it from the package:

import bpsapi

api = bpsapi.API()

That's it! You can now use the api object to interact with the API.


The API class takes only one parameter, url. This parameter is the URL of the BPS Circular API instance you want to interact with. It is set to by default.

api = bpsapi.API(url="")


The API class has four methods, one for each endpoint. These methods are:

  • latest()
  • list()
  • search()
  • getpng()

1) latest(...)

The latest() method is used to get the latest circular in a category.


  • category: string | int. The category id or the there main category names of the circular you want to get. Can be one of 'general', 'ptm', 'exam' or an integer category ID. [Mandatory]
# Get the latest circular in the General category
latest_general = api.latest(category="general")

# Get the latest circular in the category with ID 41
latest_category_41 = api.latest(category=41)

The latest() method returns a dict or None if no circular is found within the category. It may raise a ValueError if the category is invalid, or ConnectionError if the API is down/can't be reached.

2) list(...)

The list() method is used to get a list of all circulars in a category.


  • category: string | int. The category id or the there main category names of the circular you want to get. Can be one of 'general', 'ptm', 'exam' or an integer category ID. [Mandatory]
  • amount: int. The page number of the circulars list you want to get. Defaults to -1 or infinite [Optional]
# Get a list of all circulars in the General category
general_list = api.list(category="general")

# Get a list of all circulars in the PTM category
ptm_list = api.list(category="ptm")

# Get a list of all circulars in the category with ID 41
category_41_list = api.list(category=41)

The list() method returns a dict or None if no circular is found within the category. It may raise a ValueError if the category is invalid, or ConnectionError if the API is down/can't be reached.

The search() method is used to search for a circular by its ID or keywords.


  • query: string | int. The ID or keywords of the circular you want to search for. [Mandatory]
# Search for a circular with ID 1108
circular_1108 =

# Search for a circular with keywords "mobile"
mobile_circular ="mobile")

The search() method returns a dict or None if no circular is found. It may raise a ValueError if the query is invalid, or ConnectionError if the API is down/can't be reached.

4) getpng(...)

The getpng() method is used to get the preview image of a circular in the form of a list of direct URLs pointing to the image.


  • url: string. The direct URL to the PDF of the circular you want to get the preview image of. [Mandatory]
# Get the preview image of circular with ID 1147
circular_1147_png = api.getpng(url='')

The getpng() method returns a list or None if no image is found. It may raise a ValueError if the URL is invalid, or ConnectionError if the API is down/can't be reached.