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The CircularChecker Class

The CircularChecker class is a bit more complicated than the API class. It is used to check for new circulars in a category.


The CircularChecker class can be imported like this:

import pybpsapi
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general")
# or

from pybpsapi import CircularChecker
checker = CircularChecker(category="general")


  • category - The category to check for new circulars. Can be a category name (general|ptm|exam) or a category ID.
  • url (optional) - The BPS API URL to use. Defaults to
  • cache_method (optional) - The method to use to cache the latest circular. Can be None for memory, pickle to use a .pickle file, or database for a local SQLITE3 Database. Defaults to memory.
  • debug (optional) - Whether to enable debug mode. This enables access to the set_cache and refresh cache methods. Defaults to False.

Keyword Arguments

The following keyword arguments must be passed when using the database cache method.

  • db_name - The name of the database to use.
  • db_path - The path to the database.
  • db_table - The name of the table to use.

The following keyword arguments must be passed when using the pickle cache method.

  • pickle_path - The path to the pickle file.
  • pickle_name - The name of the pickle file.
# Import the module
import pybpsapi

# A minimal instance of the CircularChecker class. Stores the cache in memory.
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general")

# An instance of the CircularChecker class that stores the cache in a pickle file.
checker2 = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general", cache_method="pickle", pickle_path=".", pickle_name="cache.pickle")

# An instance of the CircularChecker class that stores the cache in a SQLITE3 database. The database must be created before using this, but the table will be created automatically.
checker3 = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general", cache_method="database", db_name="cache.db", db_path=".", db_table="cache")


1) check()

This method checks for new circulars in the given category.

# Import the module
import pybpsapi

# Create an instance of the CircularChecker class
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general")

# Check for new circulars
new_circulars = checker.check()


It returns a list of new circulars, or None if no new circulars are found.

2) get_cache()

This method gets you the latest cached data from the set cache method.

# Import the module
import pybpsapi

# Create an instance of the CircularChecker class
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general")

# Get the current cache
cache = checker.get_cache()


It returns a list of the cache data, or None if no cache is found.

3) set_cache(...)

This method sets the cache of the CircularChecker instance. This method is only available when debug is set to True.


  • The data parameter is the actual data to set as the cache.
  • The title parameter is the title of the circular list. This is only used when using the database cache method. Defaults to circular_list.
# Import the module
import pybpsapi

# Create an instance of the CircularChecker class
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general", debug=True)

# Set the cache

It returns None.

4) refresh_cache()

This method refreshes the cache of the CircularChecker instance. This method is only available when debug is set to True.

# Import the module
import pybpsapi

# Create an instance of the CircularChecker class
checker = pybpsapi.CircularChecker(category="general", debug=True)

# Refresh the cache

It returns None.